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Magnetometer Scan # 2

We are going to scan the River again today. Today's findings should reveal whether or not the train is at the bottom of the river or not. This time the the entire width of the river will be scanned and not just the third span.

It was raining quite hard this morning but around 11h00 the sun came out and we were ready to go canoeing. Nadine, Graham and Jean-Christophe from UNB arrived shortly after 11h00 and we were off to the marina to set up and get ready for the magnetometer scan.

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A total of 17 passes were done up and down the river to cover the entire width. Nadine and Graham had quite a work out for about 3 hours on the river. Jean Christophe was on shore monitoring the base station set up. I was also on the river in a different canoe with Pierre Morin shooting some video.

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After the scans were completed we started to analyze the data but ran out of time. It was 21h00 and Nadine, Graham and Jean Christophe had to head back to Fredericton. We will know the results from the scan some time early next week.

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Special thanks to: Karl Butler, Nadine, Graham, Jean Christophe and Pierre Morin.


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