10 Years ago celebration
There has not been much going on lately when it comes to the search for locomotive 508 mainly because I have been busy organizing our ten...

My work has brought me to many places and in the last month I have worked in New Brunswick, Quebec, Price Edward Island and Nova Scotia. ...

Fireplace wood box
I have not been able to do much on my fireplace this year because of my broken elbow earlier this summer. I have however worked on other...

Solar Blaster!!!
Still no news from NBDOE on the status of my application. The application form said to allow for 2 to 3 months for processing. I’ve been...

Solar Furnace!?
It looks like everybody has gotten the locomotive package I sent out last week. The only thing to do now is waiting for them to get back...

It does not look like there will be a dive this fall. I was hoping that I could round up some military guys but it just won't happen...

B-52 engine recovery
The two B-52 engines where officially mine for a couple of days this week. Brun-Way called me up last month to see if I wanted to have...
I have gotten into communication with a military diver at CFB Gagetown concerning a possible dive on the train site this summer. The...

Lost B-52 engines?
At work, we have been doing plenty of test holes for the future four lane Trans Canada highway that will be linking Grand Falls to...

Hard to believe but little Jessy Jane is already 1 year old this week. I would like to do something on the ice again this winter but I'm...