Packages are in the mail
I got a call from the NB Power representative today. He called to let me know he would not make it to Grand Falls this week. However he...
Positive feedback
I received a call from NB Power this morning. That didn't take long!! Sounds like I won't have any problems getting their permission...
Permitting process...oooofff
Department of Fisheries and Ocean (DFO) Department of Natural Resources (DNR) New Brunswick Department of Environment (NBDOE) The first...
I have sent off the paperwork for the environmental permit this week. I will follow up with them next week to see on the status of the...
Sand mound excavation preps...
I have been in contact with both people from the department of environment (NBDOE) and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) this...
Igloo #3 ???
We wanted to start building the igloo again this year but the weather has not been favorable. Not cold enough. Hopefully temperatures...
Archive results
Me and Christine had a good time at the archives but did not find anything new. I wrote up a list of newspapers in the Research Section...
Fredericton Archives
I wanted to spend some time during my vacation at the archives in Fredericton. There is most likely a lot more information left to be...
We have a match!!!
Here are the salvaged brake pieces compared to the book Daryl Demerchant dug up a while back (Nov. 21, 2003 post). I took quite a bit of...
It does not look like there will be a dive this fall. I was hoping that I could round up some military guys but it just won't happen...