DIVE # 10
We went diving today. It's been a while but we finally managed to get all of our schedules to agree. Danny Trites from Perth Andover...
DIVE # 9
Danny Trites was over for another dive tonight. He had a two tank harness this time and was able to stay underwater much longer. The...
DIVE # 8
Me and Danny went out for a quick site visit today but it ended up being more of a waste of time than anything else. We had problems...
Barge floats....boat too!
We went to drop the barge off on the river today to see if it would float….actually I was more worried for my boat. The barge seems to...
DIVE # 7
We went for the first dive of the year today. Danny Trites was very eager to get to the bottom of the river and find out about...
Barge building
We built a barge that will help us with the diving equipment and all of the gear we need to do the work. All of the materials needed...
Diver Dan
I finally met Diver Dan last night. Seems like a nice guy and he is just as into it as I am. His name is Danny Trites and he is from...
Approvals and new diver?
Today I got some good news from the Department of Environment. The application was APPROVED and as of June 1st we can explore the sand...
Solar Blaster!!!
Still no news from NBDOE on the status of my application. The application form said to allow for 2 to 3 months for processing. I’ve been...
Solar Furnace!?
It looks like everybody has gotten the locomotive package I sent out last week. The only thing to do now is waiting for them to get back...