Packages are in the mail
I got a call from the NB Power representative today. He called to let me know he would not make it to Grand Falls this week. However he did tell me he had spoken to someone from NBDOE earlier today. They told him that I did not necessarily need to have the approvals in order to start the application review. So I decided to send everything out today. Here are the groups that will be getting mail from me next week.
1- New Brunswick Department of Environment (NBDOE): Application for a watercourse and wetland alteration permit. Permission from the province to move the sand mound and questions on how we are going to go about it.
2- Natural Resources - Crown lands branch: Application to get approval from the crown to work on their land. The crown owns the riverbed where we will be moving sand.
3- NB Power: Approval from the adjacent land owners is also required for the alteration permit and crown lands applications.
4- Department of Fisheries and Ocean (DFO): They have already received a summary from me a couple of weeks ago but this package contains more info and is presented more professionally.
5- East Dive Ltd.: Just to keep the guys that will be doing the work in the loop. They could possibly receive a phone call from any of the 4 mentioned above.
Now all the applications and requests have been filled out and mailed. Everybody that will deal with the application will have the same copy. It's now a waiting game. I will contact everybody next week and make sure they have all received a package concerning locomotive 508.