Just in time for the holidays.......IGLOO #2!!!
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We built this one a little different from last year. We meaning Eric Ouellette, Andrew Mulherin and Alex Mulherin. We spent 3 nights working on it last week and were almost scared of losing it before Christmas with two straight rain days last Thursday and Friday. In the end, the rain has only solidified the igloo by transforming her it into ICE. Last year we built the igloo out of snow blocks but this year the snow wasn't good for a block igloo so we decided to make good of what we had. We basically built and compacted a mound of snow …waited for it to freeze and then carved it out. In my mind this isn’t a real igloo but whatever!
Night #1: We decided to build it in front of the house this year. Last year we built it out in the back yard and nobody could see it driving by. Rounding up snow and building in 2 foot lifts, we then packed the snow by means of shovels and water to get the snow as dense and hard as possible.
Night #2: A little less intensive tonight. We drew in the brick lines to give it the Block Igloo look. Also started excavating the entrance .
Night #3: Dug the igloo core.