Magnetometer survey possibility?
I have been in contact with Karl Butler for the past few weeks now. Karl is a professor at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton in the Geology department. He was referred to me by Daryl Demerchant as being potentially interested in helping me out. A magnetic survey of the river at the broken span area (old bridge) would help detect any remnants of heavy metal debris (Locomotive? .... Cars? .... Bridge deck?). I wanted to know if the magnetic survey could be done on the ice and if so...could I borrow a magnetometer from them before the ice breaks up?
Karl was intrigued by the project and agreed to help by lending me an instrument for a few weeks. If this was going to materialize, there was no time to waste. I needed to find out quickly where to search on the river. I knew where the North abutment for the old bridge was located but I still didn't know exactly where the south abutment had once stood. I got a good lead from a lawyer in town that knew who I should talk to concerning the exact location of the south abutment. The tip paid off and the South abutment was located.
I now needed to try and locate the collapsed span area on the river. Having a couple of pictures of the old bridge I scaled off my measurements from the pictures in order to be able to locate the broken span on the river with a reasonable amount of accuracy. I was now ready for the magnetometer survey.